About Us
Producing stunning NZ wines globally since the early 2000s
About Lismore Wines

Ant & Kate Saunders and daughters
Continuing a family tradition.
Lismore Wines NZ is a family business that has a long history of focusing on supplying the world with fantastic NZ wines. Founded by Graeme Thompson in the early 2000s, succession planning has come into play and his nephew, Ant Saunders took over the business in 2018.
Ant is continuing Graeme's passion for the land and transforming New Zealand's famed grape harvest into quality NZ wines that the rest of the world can access at competitive prices.
Our brands and clients benefit greatly from the expert guidance of senior wine consultant Alan McCorkindale (twice named New Zealand's Winemaker of the Year) as he tailors Lismore Wines' wine styles and quality standards.
What We Do
Lismore Wines NZ uses three main methods to get its delicious wines to market:
- selling bottled wine under our own distinctive labels;
- selling bottled wine under our clients' private labels; and
- selling bulk wine safely and securely in 24,000L and 26,000L tanks.
We are used to working in international markets and partnering with customers to supply a taste profile, quality, presentation and price that they are happy with.
Best-practice processes are applied in the production of our wines in order to reduce the carbon footprint and provide accountability and traceability. Paramount importance is placed on the long-term care of the soil and surrounding environment - sustainable winemaking from a clean green land.
We have channelled our passion for the land into transforming New Zealand's famed grape harvest into quality NZ wines
Wine Varieties
- Sauvignon Blanc
- Pinot Noir
- Pinot Gris
- Chardonnay
- Rose
- Merlot
- Syrah
- Riesling
With these wine varieties Lismore Wines NZ has forged a high reputation over many years, in the reliable supply of top quality wines - particularly for private label brands.

Whilst the Marlborough vineyards that we source from supply the distinctive Sauvignon Blanc that NZ is famous for, we also source quality Sauvignon Blanc from outside of this region to supply clients with the option of a potentially more affordable supply than purely Marlborough.
Best-practice processes are applied in the production of our wines in order to reduce the carbon footprint and provide accountability and traceability. Paramount importance is placed on the long-term care of the soil and surrounding environment - sustainable winemaking from a clean green land.